36th annual Smoky Mountain Christian Women's Fall Getaway
This years theme is "Transformed" taken from Romans 12:1-2
Sep 22, 2023, 7:00 PM – Sep 24, 2023, 11:00 AM
Tellico Plains, 157 Church Camp Rd, Tellico Plains, TN 37385, USA
Additonal Details
Dear Sisters in Christ,
It’s time to mark your calendars for this year’s Smoky Mountain Christian Women’s Fall Getaway, Friday evening, September 22 – Sunday morning, September 24, at Smoky Mountain Christian Camp. You can tailor the weekend to your needs and attend as much as you can. Please register online through our website: http://smcwfallgetaway.com.
We have a delightful weekend planned with the theme, “Transformed,” taken from Romans 12:1-2 -- Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. What better earthly illustration of this transformation than the butterfly?! It changes from a landbound (and often quite ugly) caterpillar into a gorgeous creature that flies free and delights us. Ladies from the House of Mercy will bring our program with the speakers telling how God has transformed and can transform lives for Him. Our prayer walk will focus on different translations/versions of our theme Scripture. We emphasize the fact that we become new creatures in Christ when we come into Him, how the transformation occurs, and how our lives should reflect that transformation. Our craft will tie into the theme also. As always, we will enjoy some fun activities as well: our campfire sing Friday evening, the zipline (if enough sign up for it), our craft time Saturday afternoon, our outing to Buck Bald Saturday evening, plus lots of snacks to share and more. We’ve included “Important Getaway Information” on our website with a list of what you will need to bring. Please check our website for any last-minute announcements regarding the Getaway.
We are excited to share that the new cabins are ready for us to use as well! How exciting to see how God has used the hands of the staff to transform the ruins of an unfortunate fire into beautiful new cabins that have been enjoyed by campers this summer and now for us in the fall!
Our thanks go to God and to all of you who have so faithfully attended this Getaway down through the years. Last year’s Getaway proved that we still enjoy coming together for worship, fellowship, and learning from God’s Word, His creation, and each other. We ask that you share this information with your families, friends, and church families and ask your churches to publish it on their websites and in their bulletins and announce it from their pulpits. We welcome anyone who needs time away and refreshment and connection with sisters of like, precious faith. We ask your prayers for God’s continued guidance and blessings. We want to see our Getaway thrive and grow!
Finally, we have a favor to ask! We need your help getting the word out to your churches about our Getaway! We would appreciate it if you would share this email with your church staff and ask them to publish the information in their bulletins and on their websites! We have attached our logo with the info below to make it even easier! Thanks a bunch!
We look forward to seeing you soon! Don’t forget to register TODAY.
Love and blessings to you all,
The Getaway Committee